
Provincial Funding

In early spring 2022, the Edge of Walton Community Project received notification that we had successfully received the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund—the grant, totalling $124,600, providing stability and growth to our non-profit.

We could hire for a full-time position (for the first time!), specifically a Director of Programming and Funding. The director, Jamie Mitchell, steered our non-profit towards financial fluency by reestablishing primary and secondary school relationships hindered by COVID-19, generating a strategic plan focusing on fundraising and off-season stability.

The grant included repairs and maintenance to the 50-foot challenge course, new safety equipment, and staff training, allowing us to meet all national safety standards and align with Challenges Unlimited’s strict requirements for professional partnership.

In the spring of 2023, we welcomed over 600 students to the facility – a number not realized since the fall of 2019. Without this funding it would not have been possible.

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